About cookies

What is the cookie?

The term “cookie” refers to a small data file consisting exclusively of a series of information in text form, which the website transfers to the web browser in your computer’s hard drive, either temporarily throughout the duration of your visit, or sometimes for longer periods, depending on the type of the cookie. The cookies execute various functions (for instance, they distinguish you from other visitors of the same website or they remember certain things about you, like your preferences) and they are being used by most websites in order to improve your experience as their user.

Each cookie is unique for your browser and it contains certain anonymous information. A cookie usually contains the name of the field where the cookie came from, the cookie’s “lifetime” as well as a value (usually in the form of a randomly generated unique number).

Cookies types

The basic types of cookies that the websites may eventually use are described below

  • Session cookies
    These are temporary cookies, which remain in the cookies file of your device’s browser solely during your visit and they are deleted when you close your browser.
  • Persistent cookies
    These remain in the cookies file of your device’s browser even after the browser is closed, sometimes for one year or even for longer (the exact duration for which they remain depends on each cookie’s lifetime duration). The persistent cookies are used when the website’s administrator eventually needs to know who you are for more than one visit (e.g. in order to remember your username or your preferences as to the parametrization of the website).
  • First-party cookies
    These are cookies that are installed in the browser and / or in your device’s hard drive by the website which you are visiting. This includes assigning a unique identifier code to you in order to track your navigation in the website. The website administrators often use first-party cookies for managing the visits and for identification purposes.
  • Third-party cookies
    These are cookies used by third parties, such as e.g. social networks, in order to track your visits to various websites in which they are advertised. The website administrator has no control on these third-party cookies.

The cookies on this website and how to manage them

In this website we use the cookies in order to improve the experience of the website’s use by its visitors. The website’s operation shall be significantly affected if you disable or if you do not accept the use of the cookies. Information follows with respect to the third-party cookies that we use on this website, including the manner to disable them and the effect of disabling them on the website’s operation. If you wish more information on how to manage certain types of cookies, including on how to check or to delete them, you are kindly requested to visit the address: www.aboutcookies.org

Google Analytics Cookies

The cookies of the Google Analytics service are analytical / performance cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information on how the visitors use our website. These cookies can inform us with respect to how many visitors are using the website, the time and the duration of the access, while they also provide information on how visitors navigate various parts of the website. This information helps as to improve the manner in which our website operates. It is anonymous information and it does not contain personal data.

The information that are being collected by the Google Analytics cookies with respect to our website are transferred and stored in the Google servers according to Google’s privacy policy.

For more information with respect to the Google Analytics service, please click on https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
You can disable the tracking by the Google Analytics service by clicking on https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en=GB

If you disable these cookies, the use of the website by you shall not be counted nor shall it be used in the statistical data that we collect in order to improve the services that we provide via the website. The website’s operation shall not be affected.

Cookies from video service providers (Google, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc.)

These providers can place cookies on your device, if you watch on our website videos, which are provided to us as an external service.
If you disable these cookies, you might not be able to view the embedded videos from our website.

Cookies from social networks

The third-party social networks may place cookies on your device, if you choose to share material from our website on these, by clicking on one of the embedded keys with the title “Share”. If you disable these cookies, the function “Share” shall not be available.